The goal of the Inside Addiction Podcast is to speak with people that are addicted, have been addicted, or treat addiction in their daily lives, to find out as much as possible about how to get clean and stay clean. No addictions or treatment options are off-limits.

Brad Seavers
Professional race car driver Brad Seavers is Living the Dream. Brad explains his journey and how after all these years he remains sober and loving life!

Annie Highwater
A mother’s story of unhitching from the roller coaster of her son’s addiction.
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Alexis Neiers
Alexis Neiers star of the hit E! Reality Show “Pretty Wild” shares her story and explains how her addiction started and how she brought herself to get the treatment which saved her life.
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Keys To Recovery Newspaper
Founders of the popular and rapidly growing publication Keys to Recovery Newspaper, Jeannie Rabb-Marshall, Marcus Marshall and Beth Stern, share how they are spreading the message of hope and recovery.
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Allison Fogarty on Overcoming Inhalants
Interventionist and Registered addiction specialist Intern, Alison Fogarty, explains the dark side of Inhalants and how A&E’s show “Intervention” saved her life.
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Dr. Jacob Adal Stresses Relapse Prevention Therapy
Registered addiction therapist, Jacob Adal, Psy.D., RASI, highlights the important role Relapse Prevention Therapy plays in staying sober and why it’s necessary to continually practice the techniques learned.
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Nicole Riviere Explains Yoga and Addiction Treatment
Practicing since 2000, devout Yogi Nicole Riviere sheds light on the benefits of Yoga during addiction treatment as well as the tremendous focus and strength Yoga can provide in everyday life.
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Dr. Clinton Weyand Discusses Co-Occurring Disorders
With over 30 years experience in behavioral health, Clinton Weyand, Psy.D., CAADAC, gives us deep insight on dual diagnosis and co-occurring disorders and how they are treated properly.
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Charlene Simpson Talks Neurofeedback Therapy
Neurofeedback Technician Charlene Simpson discusses Neurofeedback Treatment Therapy and the advantages and positive effects it has during recovery for drug and alcohol addiction.
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Bob Howland Hits Rock Bottom and Recovers
Due to a severe back injury Bob Howland hit rock bottom and became heavily addicted to opiates. Bob discusses his struggles which ultimately led to his addiction. He also speaks of his rise back to the top and the challenges he now faces to maintain a sober lifestyle.
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