12 Step Rehab Facilitation
Twelve Step Facilitation Therapy in Los Angeles
Inspire Malibu is a leader in Science and Evidence Based Treatment of drug and alcohol addiction.
We understand that the path to successful recovery from this treatable disease begins with a clinical diagnosis from a physician, followed up with an individualized treatment program and appropriate aftercare.
It is proven there is no one-size-fits-all solution to addiction issues, and since no two patients are alike, they shouldn’t receive the exact same treatment. Every client at Inspire Malibu works with certified addiction specialists that create the most effective approach to solve their unique issues.
After treatment, patients at Inspire Malibu can continue their healing through our recovery maintenance and aftercare programs.

Recovery Maintenance and Twelve Step Facilitation (TSF)
It’s important to note that Inspire Malibu is a non-12-step, non-religious treatment facility. While we are not opposed to programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, we believe that these are not treatment but instead support communities that can help some people maintain their sobriety.
However, evidence has shown that 12-step Facilitation can be effective for after-treatment support.
Twelve Step Facilitation Therapy
Twelve Step Facilitation Therapy (12 Step Facilitation) is an Evidence Based Treatment. As a part of Project MATCH, an eight-year U.S. Government clinical trial on different forms of addiction treatment, TSF was shown to be an effective aftercare tool for those recovering from substance abuse issues.
TSF is applied over twelve to fifteen sessions. A counselor works with an individual using the principles adapted from twelve step support groups.
TSF advocates that those suffering from alcohol and drug addiction:
- Understand that addiction is a chronic disease
- Acknowledge that willpower alone is not enough for successful recovery
- Understand that long term sobriety is a process
Twelve Step Facilitation has shown to help people maintain a healthy and sober lifestyle after receiving appropriate scientific and clinical treatment for their addiction problems.
Relapse Prevention Therapy (RPT)
At Inspire Malibu, our goal is to help clients prevent any recurrence of symptoms using preventative strategies such as Relapse Prevention Therapy (RPT).
Some of the components of Relapse Prevention Therapy include:
- Coping skills to deal with cravings for drugs or alcohol
- Changes to client’s day-to-day lifestyle that aid in avoiding temptations
- Teaches clients new methods for anticipating and coping in stressful situations
Clients at Inspire Malibu can also take advantage of SMART Recovery. This is a “crosstalk” process group that uses Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. There is no spiritual component and participants don’t have to identify as “addicts” or “alcoholics.”
SMART Recovery has shown to be particularly helpful for those who struggle with 12 Step concepts like “powerlessness” and a “higher power.”