Inquire Now for Addiction Therapy Treatment at Inspire Malibu:
Inspire Malibu drug and alcohol detox treatment centers in Los Angeles offer residential recovery programs, as well as detox, dual diagnosis and outpatient services. Services include Addiction Therapy Treatment and much more.
It’s an extremely difficult thing for anyone to come to grips with the fact that they might have a problem with drug addiction. The stigma alone keeps many people from seeking help, but without addiction therapy treatment, the problem won’t go away on its own and will only get worse over time. If it hasn’t happened already, it will take control of your life.
We understand the reluctance our clients have regarding addiction therapy, so one of our first priorities is to provide a safe and caring environment where the healing can begin without judgment.
We view recovery as a team effort between our staff and clients, and the goal is to find the root cause of the problem and resolve any underlying issues that may get in the way of sobriety.
About Inspire Malibu
At Inspire Malibu, we ensure the success of each client because our rehab treatment program, when followed diligently, is extraordinarily effective. This effectiveness is a result of the vision of our treatment team, which has helped to create a program that combines traditional approaches with modern, all-therapy based approaches to create a program that is very different from most other rehab treatment programs.
Our staff is board certified in both addiction medicine and psychiatry.
At Inspire Malibu, a low patient to staff ratio and a high number of doctors on staff assures that patients interact with experts every day of their rehab treatment program.
Just as important as having a properly credentialed staff, our patients also benefit from the fact that we have staff on site 24 hours a day. This is particularly critical during the first few weeks of recovery when early cravings and withdrawal symptoms can cause extensive physical and mental suffering.
Our staff is available to assist with medication or provide counseling as necessary to assure that patients are no danger to themselves or others, and don’t suffer severe complications during this trying period of the rehab treatment program.