Noticed in 1948 by coincidence by scholars at a drug firm in Denmark, Antabuse was invented to counteract parasitic contamination, but the personnel who were examining it also discovered that it had dangerous effects when they drank alcohol.
When an individual takes Antabuse regularly and if he/she consumes alcohol, the results are quite distressful. Because of this, Antabuse has been tested extensively to treat alcoholism for a number of years now. Also known as “Disulfiram,” Antabuse is being tested for use as a medication in the fight against cancer.
When alcohol is consumed, the liver breaks it down with the help of an enzyme named alcohol dehydrogenase. The liver tears it down into acetaldehyde, which causes the hangover effect. With time, the liver is able to break the alcohol further down into the innocuous acetic acid.

Antabuse is not an antagonist, but it acts almost like one by blocking the creation of acetaldehyde and acetic acid. Alcohol users experience a buildup of acetaldehyde in their system that is way more dominant than what they are naturally used to. When they consume only a few drinks while on Antabuse, they feel as if they’ve consumed far more plus all the negatives that come with overdrinking.
While the above holds true, it is also important to note that withdrawal and cravings will still be present
Antabuse Can Be Used by Patients Who:
- Do Not Have Any Type of Heart Disease
- Do Not Have Any History of Psychosis
- Do Not Have an Allergy to Antabuse
When Antabuse is used the abstinence rate has been recorded at 50 percent.
Side Effects of Antabuse:
- Vomiting
- Misperception
- The sweats
- Always Thirsty
- Head and neck pain
- Trouble breathing
- Pain in the chest