Based on the title of this page, “The Science of Getting Drunk,” we don’t want people to think we’re endorsing getting drunk. As an alcohol rehab treatment center, it’s our goal to make sure people don’t get drunk.
But being a science and evidence based treatment facility, the title of the following infographic caught our attention. After all, it contains some very descriptive elements of what happens when alcohol enters the body and how it impacts the various organs.
The effects of alcohol on the brain get special attention here as several regions of the brain are detailed. Most people don’t usually think about what happens inside the brain when having a few cocktails, but over time, the brain can physically change from drinking too much alcohol over a long period of time.
There’s also some interesting information about how the body handles alcohol as blood alcohol content (BAC) rises in the body. We hope you find this enlightening!
To see this infographic full size in it’s entirety, visit
Wet Brain – Wernicke Korsakoff Syndrome
The Dangers of Binge Drinking and Drinking Games
I’m Shmacked – The College Binge Drinking Movement