With the popularity and necessity of so many antidepressant medications available on the market today, it’s important for people taking them to understand the potential dangers of serotonin syndrome. Most adults in the United States, especially those that struggle with insomnia from time to time, […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
OxyContin Maker Under Fire For Fueling Opioid Addiction Epidemic
Opioid dependence and addiction is a growing problem in the United States that involves compulsive use despite dangerous and legal consequences. It ruins lives, wreaks havoc on families, destroys personal and professional relationships, and, more often than we’d like to believe, ends up fatal. The […]
The Quit Smoking Timeline and What Happens to the Body
Most long-time smokers enjoy cigarettes despite the health risks. But if they need a little motivation to stop, seeing the quit smoking timeline and understanding what happens to the body when you quit smoking might provide an incentive to becoming a non-smoker. Smokers are all […]
The Gabapentin High – Misuse and Abuse of Neurontin Painkiller on the Rise
The medication Gabapentin (Neurontin) is considered a safe, non-addictive alternative to opioid painkillers. Recently, though, law enforcement and health care professionals witnessed a spike in the number of arrests and hospital visits associated with gabapentin abuse and people only using it to get high. “We […]
Unipolar Depression vs. Bipolar Depression
Mood disorders, such as Unipolar Depression and Bipolar Depression, are the most common cause of hospitalization in the United States for people under the age of 45 (besides pregnancy and birth), according to the National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI). Make no mistake, the struggle […]
10 Films and Movies About Depression
Because depressive symptoms have become such a normal part of life for millions of people, it’s no surprise Hollywood has used them as an underlying theme and produced so many films and movies about depression. Depression is more than just being blue. While quite common, […]
Polysubstance Abuse: Addicted to the ‘High’ Rather Than the Drugs
Most people are familiar with the term “substance abuse,” but many have never heard of “polysubstance abuse.” Until there’s a social consensus, it bears repeating that addiction is a complex and complicated disease of the brain. People develop the condition for a variety of different […]
21 Signs You Might Have a Drinking Problem
There’s a saying that rings true for many people – “If you have to ask if you have a drinking problem, you probably do.” Because addiction is complex, it’s not always clear for individuals with the condition, or for those around them, to know they’ve […]
Dsuvia – Controversial Opioid Painkiller Developed by the DoD
Despite criticism from several members of its own advisory committee, and in the midst of a national epidemic of opioid overdoses, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), in late 2018, approved a new opioid painkiller called Dsuvia. Originally developed by the Department of Defense (DOD) […]
Schizoid Personality Disorder Symptoms, Causes and Treatment
Because of the stigma associated with mental health issues, the diagnostic phrase Schizoid Personality Disorder (SPD) is likely to evoke images of someone in serious mental distress. In fact, this type of personality disorder is characterized by a person who’s fully in touch with reality […]