In more ways than one, Massachusetts, which has been at the heart of the opioid crisis in the United States, is now leading the charge to fight the epidemic. The state has suffered devastating loss of life due to heroin and opioid addiction. According to […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
9 Films About Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition causing extreme mood swings between emotional highs and lows. It was previously referred to as manic depression because the highs present as either manic or hypomanic and the lows are accompanied by intense depression. Like most mental illnesses, […]
Gray Death: The Latest and Deadliest of Heroin Cocktails
The crisis of opioid addiction in the United States is an ever-evolving tragedy. Healthcare professionals, state and federal legislatures and law enforcement have so far been unable to stop or contain the spread of opioids and heroin spiked with even more powerful and deadly drugs. […]
Are My Bipolar Symptoms Manic or Hypomanic?
At its most basic, Bipolar Disorder is a mental health condition associated with periods of elevated mood, known as mania or hypomania and, on the other end of the spectrum, periods of depression. A complex and difficult condition to deal with, it takes an experienced […]
Drugged Driving Fatalities Surpass DUI Deaths for the First Time
New data released in April finds that drivers killed in car accidents were more likely to test positive for drugs than alcohol for the first time in U.S. history. According to the study conducted by the Governors Highway Safety Association in partnership with the Foundation […]
Exercise is Great For Your Health, But What Happens If You Stop?
One of the best and cheapest ways to manage the daily pressures of life is consistent exercise. Loads of research confirm that even walking for 20 minutes a day is beneficial. What’s not as well known is how quickly those health gains go away without […]
Will California’s AB 186 Create Safe Spaces to Use Heroin and Opioids?
Like other states in the U.S., California has seen a spike in overdoses as a result of heroin and prescription painkillers. While the news cycle appears to have moved away from the country’s opioid epidemic, the problem persists. In 2015, an estimated 33,000 people fatally […]
The Migration of Addiction Treatment Centers to California
California is known for many things: the beaches, movie stars, Hollywood, and outstanding weather, just to name a few. It’s also home to a large number of addiction treatment centers, with many of them located in and around Malibu. But why are so many drugs […]
Is There a Difference Between Stress and Depression?
Identifying the difference between symptoms of depression and stress can be tricky. There are certain overlaps that might lead a person to think they’re just “stressed out” when, in fact, they’re suffering from depression and vice versa. Knowing the difference between stress and depression will […]
Stress Awareness Month: The Good, The Bad and The Treatable
Living with stress is ubiquitous with being human. Stressors are normal and include everything from too much physical exercise to an imminent work deadline. Successfully meeting that work deadline might land someone a promotion, which is exciting and stressful. Not making the deadline might jeopardize […]