Self-injury or self-harm is a response to severe emotional distress. Intentional, non-suicidal injuries are a way for a person to mirror psychological pain with physical pain. In some cases, the physical injury has a temporary calming effect and, in others, a self-inflicted wound is a […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Criminalizing Drug Overdoses For Inducing Panic? Really?
Nestled between Columbus and Cincinnati, Washington Court House, Ohio, a town with little more than 14,000 residents at last count, is now charging drug overdose survivors with “inducing panic.” The misdemeanor, which can result in a $1,000 fine and up to 180 days in jail, […]
Mental Health and Addiction Coverage in Danger of Repeal and Replace
Change is never easy, but it’s even more complex when there’s a seismic shift in the federal government’s ideology and policy. Under the new administration, Republicans are pushing the American Healthcare Act in an effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act passed during […]
E-Cigarette Dripping Causes Toxic Emissions for Teenagers
The sale of cigarettes is in a steady decline. However, that doesn’t mean teenagers and adults aren’t getting their nicotine fix. E-cigarettes, which use battery-heated coils to turn liquid into vapor, are an $8 billion market, reports Bloomberg, and almost half of worldwide sales – […]
Original Joe’s Restaurant Goes Viral For Sober Responsibility Against DUIs
It’s a common dilemma: what to do with your car after consuming a little too much alcohol while on a night out with family and friends? Making the right decision is critical. One business owner is doing his part to reward customers for making the […]
‘Unhooked’ is a Mother’s Story About Facing Her Son’s Addiction
“You don’t see cancer patients or diabetics stealing from the jewelry box or the family,” Annie Highwater writes in the description of her book, “Unhooked: A Mother’s Story of Unhitching from the Roller Coaster of Her Son’s Addiction.” Battling her son’s addiction to opioids, this […]
Legalized Marijuana Might Go Up in Smoke From Pesticides and Politics
Before the ink on new marijuana laws has even dried, there are looming signs of trouble. To coin a phrase, where there’s smoke, a federal raid might be underway. In 2016, California, Nevada, Maine and Massachusetts joined a handful of other states by legalizing the […]
What’s the Difference Between CBT and DBT?
Advances in medicine and healthcare, even in the last 50 years, are far too numerous to name. People live longer, healthier lives than at any time in modern history. Treatment for mental health disorders, as well as substance abuse and addiction, has also benefitted from […]
Self Care – Put Your Oxygen Mask On First
“In the unlikely event of an emergency,” flight attendants tell us at the start of every flight, “oxygen masks will appear in front of you. Place it firmly over your nose and mouth and breathe normally. If you’re traveling with a child or someone who […]
Department of Transportation to Update Drug Testing Requirements
The crisis of prescription painkillers and heroin addiction has not let up. While other news dominates the headlines, whole communities continue to suffer devastating losses due to fatal opioid overdoses. Opioid dependency is so pervasive, the Federal Department of Transportation (DOT) proposes four common […]