December is National Impaired Driving Prevention Month. Traffic fatalities as a result of drug and alcohol use have unfortunately increased according to the presidential proclamation. “Last year, preventable alcohol-related driving fatalities accounted for nearly one-third of all traffic fatalities,” says the president’s report. With the […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
MDMA for Treating PTSD – FDA Approves Phase 3 Trials
To be clear, methylenedioxy-methamphetamine, known on the street as MDMA, molly, “E” or ecstasy, is an illicit and extremely dangerous “club” drug. Misuse can cause brain damage and even death. Because of its euphoric sensory effects, MDMA is popular on the music festival circuit, though […]
Black Box Warning and Prescription Drugs
For many people, the phrase “black box” conjures images of emergency officials searching for a downed airplane’s flight recorder in hopes of discovering just what exactly caused the accident. There is, however, another type of black box. The Federal Food and Drug Administration, the agency […]
The Public Health Crisis of Addiction: Surgeon General’s Historic Step Forward
For the past 65 years, the American court and prison system is where the majority of people struggling with substance abuse and the addiction end up. Of the nation’s 2.3 million prison inmates, more than half – 65 percent or 1.5 million – meet the […]
The 27 Club – A Tragic Tour of Famous People That Died Too Young
It’s an eerie coincidence that so many talented musicians and artists lost their lives at the age of 27, a phenomenon dubbed The 27 Club. Set aside the various conspiracy theories about the unenviable club’s membership and the unfortunate realities, in some of the cases, […]
Ikigai – Discovering Your Passion and Purpose
In the words of the late actress Katharine Hepburn, a fierce personality known for her spirited honesty, “Life is hard. After all, it kills you.” The reality of Ms. Hepburn’s opinion, though blunt, is undeniable. Recovering from a drug or alcohol addiction adds another degree […]
Are Wet Houses for Alcoholics a Smart Approach to Alcoholism?
Wet Houses are residential housing facilities for homeless people suffering from chronic alcoholism. Unlike other shelters that require residents to attend addiction treatment, stay sober and adhere to strict curfews, tenants at these harm reduction shelters can drink as much alcohol as they want. In […]
Legalized Marijuana Passed in More States
Along with a new president, Americans in eight states voted for the passage of recreational or medicinal marijuana. Before the election, recreational pot was legal for 5 percent of the population, but that number jumped to 20 percent post-election. Among the states with marijuana reform […]
New Personality Test Identifies Children at Risk for Addiction
Most people of a certain age will remember First Lady Nancy Reagan’s anti-drug campaign “Just Say No.” Then came a Partnership for a Drug-Free America’s iconic ad “This is Your Brain on Drugs.” Following that was the Drug Abuse Resistance Education or DARE, founded by […]
Study Shows Rise in Pediatric Opioid Poisonings and Deaths
As the nation’s battle with opioid addiction continues to ravage entire communities, there’s been scant reporting on how the epidemic’s touched the lives of children. In a recent study, however, researchers examined 15 years of data from children’s hospitals and found that children are suffering […]