Global consumption of the opioid Tramadol, a drug that in some parts of the world is unregulated, increased 186 percent between 2000 and 2012, reports the International Narcotics Control Board. In the United States, the synthetic opioid analgesic received government approval in 2010. By 2014, […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Marijuana Breathalyzer – When You’re Too High to Drive
California’s Proposition 64 – legalization of recreational marijuana – is on the ballot this November and the most recent polls reveal solid voter support for the measure. While law enforcement officials in the state have been outspoken in their stance against prop 64, some agencies […]
Canada Legalizes Heroin and Extends Operation of Safe Injection Sites
Scott MacDonald is the lead physician at Crosstown Clinic, a Vancouver, British Columbia medical facility that opened in 2005 to conduct trials of prescription heroin. MacDonald has worked with 52 patients, though that number is expected to double now that the Canadian government, under Prime […]
Deadly New Drug: U-47700 aka U4, Pink or Pinky
Another technically “legal” substance has been added to the wave of synthetic, or so called “research drugs,” that skirt state and federal law by slightly altering the molecular makeup. Known on the streets as U4, Pink or Pinky, U-47700 is a synthetic opioid 50 times […]
Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development (ABCD) Study is Breaking New Ground
A landmark study began recruitment in September 2016 of 10,000 healthy children between the ages of nine and 10-years-old. The Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study, aptly abbreviated the ABCD Study, will follow participants into young adulthood, making it the longest and most thorough data available […]
Drug Offenders and Welfare Benefits – Lifting the Ban and Lending a Hand
One of the harshest and most ineffective policies of the U.S. government’s “war on drugs” is the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act which was passed in 1996. Sponsored by Republican John Kasich, Ohio’s state representative at the time, the act banned anyone with […]
World Mental Health Day – Mental Health First Aid for All
October 10 Overall health is not just about the body. Mental health plays an integral part in every person’s psychological and physical wellbeing. It’s impossible for the human experience to avoid moments of sadness, loss or depression. More than 43 million Americans – one in […]
National Teen Driver Safety Week in October
October 18 to 24, 2020 Nearly 10 years ago, Congress established the third week in October as National Teen Driver Safety Week. The initiative began after a series of tragic car accidents that claimed the lives of several Pennsylvania high school students. The goal is […]
Silk Road May Be Gone, But Online Drug Crypto Markets Still Exist
In the darker recesses of the internet, at unlisted web addresses the vast majority of the population doesn’t even know exist, a bustling trade in illicit goods thrives. Here people can order almost anything to be delivered to their homes – forged identity papers, stolen […]
Cocaine Vaccine Advances to Phase 1 Human Trials
Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College received approval earlier this year to begin human trials on a cocaine vaccination. Authorization for Phase 1 of the trials, which are expected to last about three years, came after researchers demonstrated that their drug intercepts the powerful stimulant […]