Astronauts and would-be pilots use flight simulators to develop and hone their skills for the real thing. Neurologists have the ability to digitally map a person’s brain and perform a simulated surgery in an effort to predict likely outcomes. Now, thanks to Ford’s Driving Skills […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
‘Drunkorexia’ is Trending on College Campuses Across the Country
As millennials head off to college, the media has focused on this generation’s alleged narcissistic tendencies. With Time Magazine going so far as to title a cover article about them, “The Me Me Me Generation.” It goes on to say they are “lazy, entitled narcissists […]
September is National Recovery Month: Our Families, Our Stories, Our Recovery!
Stories of personal recovery, local events and award ceremonies are just part of National Recovery Month, an observance held every September for the last 29 years. 2019 Recovery Month Theme The theme for Recovery Month 2019 is “Join the Voices for Recovery: Together We […]
Carfentanil Sedates Elephants. Why is it Showing Up in Heroin?
Last month in Ohio, a state long considered the ideal of Midwest American values, 96 people overdosed on heroin in the span of a few days. Like every other state in the country, Ohio battles its share of the opioid epidemic, but this week stood […]
World Suicide Prevention Day is September 10th
Take a Minute, Change a Life drives the theme of this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day. For the last 18 years (since 2003) the International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) and the World Health Organization (WHO) have designated September 10th as a day to raise […]
On-Campus Recovery Housing – Does it Help Students Stay Sober?
Take a segment of the population prone to poor impulse control and judgment, who, biologically, are at the peak of risk-taking and pleasure-seeking behavior, put them all in one place – welcome to college. Life on most college campuses includes a vibrant party culture where […]
What are the Dangers of Mixing Alcohol with Other Drugs?
Seventy-one percent of adults in the United States enjoy an alcoholic beverage on occasion according to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA). The vast majority of them do not suffer from dependence or addiction. A study by the Mayo Clinic, however, found […]
Marijuana Remains Schedule I, For Now Anyway
In a move that mystified many researchers, the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) refused yet again, to loosen marijuana restrictions by reclassifying the plant as Schedule II or lower. Designated a Schedule I Drug since the passage of the Controlled Substances Act in 1970, the […]
Genetic Metabolism Testing for Mental Health – The Future of Health Part II
By mapping human genomes, scientists unlocked a powerful new tool altering the approach many healthcare professionals have in caring for their patients – Genetic Metabolism Testing. Personalized Medicine, discussed in Part 1 of this series, is the treatment of a chronic illness tailored to a […]
Personalized Medicine for Addiction – The Future of Health Part I
The Human Genome Project was completed almost 20 years ago by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the U.S. Department of Energy and mapped the 3 billion units of DNA that make up the human genome. Such an enormous undertaking took scientists more than […]