Amid the chaos of ongoing presidential campaigns and their nonstop contribution to the 24-hour news cycle, President Obama quietly made history. With nearly eight years in office, Obama has done more than any other president to call attention to the fact that addiction is a […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Heavy Drinking and Alcoholism not the Same Problem
Most people assume that anyone who regularly drinks too much is either alcohol dependent or an alcoholic. This is a widely held belief for a number of complex and culturally engrained reasons that there’s simply not enough time to parse out at the moment. […]
The “No-Go” Neuron That Tells People to Stop Drinking Alcohol
For many people, the dividing line between casual, social drinking, and alcoholism is the ability to stop consuming alcohol before it becomes too much. Addiction experts might suggest that’s an oversimplified version of addiction and they’d be right. There are other factors, such as genetic […]
The Cover-Up of the Corporate Prescription Drug Cartel
Just one year after executives at Purdue Pharma, the makers of OxyContin, pleaded guilty in federal court and paid $635 million in fines for misleading doctors about the addictive properties of its bestselling painkiller, a tiny medical clinic opened near the Los Angeles neighborhood of […]
What if You Knew Depression as Both a Doctor and as a Patient?
Dr. Deborah Serani, a licensed psychologist, professor and award-winning author made a stark confession to her audience at New York’s Adelphi University. “Dad’s gun is in the left hand side of his dresser drawer. When everybody leaves, go in and get it,” she said, narrating […]
Drug Smuggling and Fatal Overdoses in California Prisons
Since late 2014, when the California Department of Corrections launched a statewide program to end the flourishing market for illegal drugs in its penitentiaries, drug use has actually increased. The $8 million plan, which included the purchase of drug-detecting scanners and drug-sniffing dogs, was put […]
Buprenorphine + Naloxone and the Black Market
For the estimated 2.2 million Americans suffering an addiction to prescription painkillers or heroin, federal regulations have it made it difficult to get legal access to a medication that can save their lives. Buprenorphine + Naloxone ease the physically painful squeeze of opiate addiction when […]
California’s Adult Use of Marijuana Act – Will it Pass This Time Around?
This November, registered California voters will decide whether or not to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. The Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA), aka Prop 64, received official clearance in June from the Secretary of State’s office after the initiative surpassed the 600,000 signatures […]
Proper Disposal of Prescription Medications and Other Drugs
The average American medicine cabinet is generally a time-lapse snapshot of who suffered what and how long ago. According to a study released in JAMA Internal Medicine, 66 percent of people keep leftover, unused medications after they’ve stopped using them. Many of these unused prescription […]
Non-Violent Drug Offenders Might See Early Prison Release
Almost four decades ago, the then governor of California signed into law a bill requiring prisons to make punishment and incapacitation, rather than rehabilitation, the primary goals of state penal facilities. As a result, the prison population went from around 20,000 people to 172,000 and […]