Here’s an interesting fact that many people are likely unaware of; regardless of what illness the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves a medication for, physicians are free to prescribe that same drug for any other condition they deem medically appropriate. This practice, referred to […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Opioid Abuse, the Spread of HIV and Big Pharma’s Fingerprints Everywhere
In rural Southeastern Indiana, the city of Austin is home to a small community of 4,200 citizens. The quaint township has had an operating post office since 1854. Now, however, the city is home to one of the worst outbreaks of HIV in U.S. history. […]
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – Is it Physical or Mental?
Pushback against post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) as simply a psychological condition rather than a physical brain injury began about 10 years ago. The attachment to the emotional horrors made sense. But the idea that soldiers exposed to the rigors of combat were not sustaining unseen […]
Treatment Instead of Arrest – The Angel Initiative in Gloucester, Massachusetts
Resistance to change is a normal human impulse. Even in the worst of circumstances, the familiar is often more comfortable than trying to rework a bad situation. When meaningful change does occur, as it has in Gloucester, Massachusetts, a small fishing town just shy of […]
What is the Difference Between IOP and PHP Outpatient Programs?
An estimated 24 million people suffer from addiction or dependency to drugs and alcohol in the United States. The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) reports that only 11 percent – 2.6 million – receive the treatment they need. The PHP […]
Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT): An eBook by the Partnership for Drug-Free Kids
Experts in the field of addiction have, for years, known that Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) is the most effective method of treating individuals addicted to heroin and opioid painkillers. As the epidemic of opioid abuse continues to ravage cities across the country, lawmakers and the […]
Can Modafinil and Smart Drugs Offer Prescription Intelligence?
Humans are always seeking shortcuts. Medieval alchemists spent much of their time attempting to transform lead, a relatively worthless metal, into priceless gold. In more contemporary times, some people try to gain a leg up at work or school with the use of pharmaceuticals. The […]
Compassionate Policing: Mental Health and Law Enforcement Collaboration
Just as Memorial Day is a time to honor those who died during military service, the month of May also marks Mental Health Month, a public awareness campaign started in 1949. As both observances wind down, law enforcement agencies across the country continue to train […]
JOMO Creates More Happiness Than FOMO
Are you a prisoner of FOMO? You’re not alone. We’ve all been hostage of the Fear of Missing Out. Whether it’s the fear of missing a party, a text, or the latest status update on social media, FOMO is a very real problem in today’s […]
A Personal Pharmacy? 5 Feel Good Chemicals Everyone’s Brain Produces
The human brain doesn’t always get the credit it deserves. It is, in every way, the body’s master. Not only does it control all of our bodily functions, such as breathing, blood pressure and physical movement, it allows for memory, communication with others and the […]