Tis the season for festive parties with coworkers and friends, as well as family get-togethers, to celebrate the holidays. A vast majority of these events will have alcohol on hand, which is why there are more DUI arrests between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day than […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Emotional Accessories? Mood Altering Wearable Technologies
Mood affects just about every aspect of our daily lives. An individual’s mental outlook plays a role in how they deal with family, friends and work. Studies have also proven that positive emotions boost the immune system while negative ones suppress it. It should then […]
The High Stakes of Athletes and Alcoholism
Famous athletes who battled with alcoholism isn’t a new story. It’s widely known that Babe Ruth had a huge appetite for many things, including home runs and booze, but it didn’t seem to affect his home run count. Ironically, much of it came during prohibition, […]
Understanding Addiction Reward and Pleasure in The Brain
Learning how the brain responds to pleasure has blasted the doors of addiction research wide open. Though there’s still a vast amount of unknowns where the neuroscience of substance abuse is concerned, researchers understand how the brain’s reward and pleasure centers are hijacked by drugs […]
14 Places Where Teens Hide Drugs From Their Parents
Teenagers are in a difficult “in-between” time of life. They’re no longer children, and they’re not yet adults. Not only are they experiencing a physiological and hormonal awakening, but psychologically they’re beginning to think for themselves. Balancing a teen’s need for privacy while protecting them […]
Substance Abuse Hits The Campaign Trail
With just under a year left before the 2016 Presidential Election, both democratic and republican candidates are crisscrossing the nation, campaigning in as many states as possible. Their speeches revolve around the economy, education, national security, healthcare, foreign policy and a number of other topics […]
Medicare Refuses to Share Substance Abuse Data With Researchers
Scientific research into addiction has come a long way since locking alcoholics and drug addicts in sanitariums for the insane. We now know that addiction is a chronic, relapsing brain disease that some people are at risk for due to genetics, while others develop the […]
Hooked on Hookah: Is It Really That Bad?
Maybe you’ve seen an exotic-looking hookah in the window of a smoke shop, or been to a party where people were using one or, perhaps, you’re one of a growing number of people visiting hookah bars, cafes and lounges. If you don’t know what we’re […]
5 Reasons America’s War on Drugs is Evolving
There’s no denying that America’s attitude toward drug abuse and addiction is changing. The U.S. spends more than $51 billion annually on in its war on drugs, and not only has the problem not gone away, many experts believe that this “war” is doing more […]
60 Minutes: A Crisis of Heroin Addiction In America
Enough opioid painkillers were prescribed by doctors in Ohio last year, three-quarters of a billion, that every man, woman, and child in the state could have had 65 pills each. Though the state has been hit particularly hard by the ever-increasing spread of heroin, losing […]