“Ghost bikes” are somber memorials for bicyclists who have died in a crash. Painted all white and chained up near the crash site, they’re often accompanied by a photograph and bio of the victim, as well as flowers and other small remembrances. Sadly, these memorial […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
The Latest Trend In Music Festival Drug Safety
Large-scale music festivals in America are big business because they inject millions of dollars into local economies. As a result, cities across the country clamor to host these multi-day concerts. An estimated 32 million people attended at least one music festival last year, according to […]
Are Senior Citizens Drinking Too Much?
Aging gracefully is sometimes easier said than done. Senior citizens, anyone aged 65 or older, face a number of challenges, from ailing health to the loss of a spouse and close friends. Many seniors suffer from depression that can stem from a lack of mobility […]
Don’t Look Back In Regret, Move Forward In Recovery
Finding an adult of a certain age with no regrets is almost impossible. We all have them, be they small or large. One survey on this subject reports that 90 percent of people say they have at least one major regret. Studies show that most […]
Obsession or Addiction? America’s Culture of Dependency
A Google search for “Americans are obsessed with” turns up 12,900,000 results that include the following: Vitamins Pizza Guns IPA Beer Sex Anyone with the last name Kardashian (or Jenner) Boxed Water White Teeth and products that make the skin glow Fast Food and pop-up […]
How Does Exercise Benefit Recovery?
The physical toll that addiction takes on the mind and body can be severe and left untreated; chemical dependency destroys lives and, in many cases, winds up being fatal. According to National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), the abuse of alcohol and illicit drugs is […]
7 Meditation Apps For Stress Relief and Peace of Mind
Even though the technology is supposed to make our lives easier, it does the exact opposite for some. Let’s face it, when was the last time you turned the cell phone off completely? Maybe we put it in “silent mode,” but we’re still alerted each […]
Is Your Phone Addiction Creating Problems in Your Life?
In a perfect world, technology is supposed to make life easier. Yet most of us have experienced the extreme stress of a computer crashing, no cell service when you need the phone, or having our favorite television show, that we’re streaming of course, interrupted by […]
Smokeless Tobacco Strikes Out in Major League Baseball
We all know the health hazards of tobacco, but most of us think about smoking and cigarettes when we hear the words “tobacco” or “nicotine.” Now, smokeless or chewing tobacco is getting its time in the media and it’s hitting America’s favorite pastime – baseball. Tobacco […]
What To Do During a Heroin Overdose – Part II
Even people with years of recovery still cope with the triggers and cravings brought on by addiction. So it’s not uncommon for those struggling with dependency to relapse after periods of sobriety. Some addiction experts suggest this is to be expected, but it can be […]