Whoever said, “Your future depends on your dreams, so go to sleep,” got it right in more ways than one. Take a good look around the office, classroom, or even a quick glance at the driver in a passing car and it’s obvious that most […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Golden Nuggets and a Kiwi – How Addiction Affects the Brain
Have you seen the short film “Nuggets,” about the kiwi that stumbles upon some golden nuggets? It’s been making the rounds on the internet and social media for some time now. If you haven’t already seen it, take a moment to watch it. This 5 […]
The Science of Food Addiction and Recovery
There it is, a slice of hot, cheesy pizza lying on a grease-stained paper plate, waiting to be devoured. One piece, it can’t be that bad for you, right? Look long and hard at it. Now, think twice before taking a bite. This is where […]
Prescription Drug Monitoring Program & Doctor Shopping
Prescription DrugOverdosing on prescription painkillers is a leading cause of death in the United States. A nationwide study of hospital data revealed that opioid painkillers at least in part, caused 68 percent of overdoses treated in the emergency room. In light of this growing epidemic, […]
World Bipolar Day – Erasing the Social Stigma
In an effort to bring more awareness, education and social acceptance to not just the disease but also those suffering from Bipolar Disorder, a trio of advocacy groups established March 30th as World Bipolar Day. The organizers of World Bipolar Day chose the birthday of […]
Exercise, Endorphins and Addiction Recovery
The next time you head out for a leisurely walk, a run or maybe a quick dip in the pool, tell the nearest person you’ll be back after engaging your endogenous opioid inhibitory neuropeptides. Once their eyes glass over with confusion, you can explain that […]
Vitamin B1 May Ward Off Alcoholic Brain Disease
Vitamin B1 is an essential B Complex vitamin that helps the body convert sugar into energy. Also known as Thiamine, it is an important ingredient for a healthy nervous system and proper brain functioning. Thiamine can be found in pork, grain cereals, flour, […]
A Famous Father Hits Back After a Cyber-Bullying Attack on His Daughter
“If you don’t have anything nice to say, say it on the Internet,” tweeted Mike Birbiglia, a well-known standup comic and author. In less than a 140 characters, truer words could not have been tweeted. Cyber-bullying, sometimes called “trolling,” is the dark art of anonymously […]
Marijuana Goes Mainstream – ‘High Maintenance’ on Vimeo
At this point, virtually everyone of a certain age is aware that marijuana is more mainstream than before. Twenty-three states, including the District of Columbia, have legalized medicinal marijuana. Out in front of the country are Colorado, Alaska and Oregon, the states in which recreational […]
We Were Wrong About Smoking – It’s Worse Than We Thought
Take a grim statistic, such as a half million deaths a year are caused by cigarette smoking. Now add a new study on the effects of this highly addictive habit, and increase that number by an additional 60,000 unnecessary fatalities. These are the latest findings […]