Maybe you’ve heard the phrase “going native.” The idea is that a person decides to shed their habits, beliefs and traditions in order take on the cultural traits of whatever geographical location they’re in. Adopting a Paleo Diet, which entails following the eating habits of […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
5 Tips to Avoid Enabling an Addict
More often than not, drug and alcohol addiction is spoken and written about in sweeping statistics. Newscasters or journalists report that a 23.5 million people needed treatment for dependency issues in one year. What gets lost in these overwhelming numbers are the personal struggles of […]
Tis the Season to Be SAD: 10 Seasonal Affective Disorder Treatments
Think you just woke up on the wrong side of the bed this winter? You might be experiencing a very real condition known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). This common illness, also called winter depression, is a type of depression that normally presents itself during […]
Kicking Your Technology Addiction
Tech Detox to Curb Technology Addiction Technological advancements have definitely made life more convenient, but can they cause us harm at the same time? Technology addiction is real, no matter how exaggerated it may seem. Technology addiction can take the form of smartphone addiction, information […]
6 Ways For Non-Drinkers To Stay Sober by Not Drinking
Americans love to drink. The pastime is so pervasive it crosses cultural boundaries. Women and men, old and young alike, consume alcohol at sporting events, at parties, at quiet dinners, or even at work functions. Whether the setting is formal or informal, alcohol is likely […]
Mile High State: Colorado’s Marijuana Education Campaign
States across the country are legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. It’s been a hard-to-miss news item for some time since Colorado led the charge, passing the necessary legislation in 2012. Pot advocates everywhere hailed the passage as progress. Washington State soon followed the trend, […]
What Can Be Done About Drug & Alcohol Use at Work?
Even as popular television shows, such as “Mad Men,” romanticize the days of a fully stocked bar in an office nook or closing a business deal over a three martini lunch, most employers these days have a zero tolerance policy when it comes to drinking […]
10 Steps For a Positive Drug and Alcohol Intervention
Addiction is a complicated disease. Because it changes the chemistry of the brain, a person with substance abuse and dependency issues acts and thinks differently. In many cases, denial runs so deep that they’re not even aware of the damaging impact their illness has on […]
Curbing Cravings the Healthy Way
How to Kick Your Cravings to the Curb There are a variety of stages and phases of sobriety, each bringing their own challenges to the process. One of the most difficult parts of sobriety tends to be cravings. Cravings are overwhelming desires for something, sometimes […]
How to Get Rid of a Hangover
The truth is drinking too much alcohol can happen to anyone. More often than not, the person was planning to have just “a couple of drinks”, and things got out of hand. To try and help you get over the effects of a bout of […]