According to the DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) PTSD, or Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, is caused by the exposure or experience of a traumatic event. A traumatic event is described as sexual violence, serious injury or death of a family member, friend or […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Exploring Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness Meditation is about keeping the mind in the here and now or being present in all the elements of everyday life. Mindfulness practitioners sometimes refer to it as sitting because on the surface, that’s all there is to it. One sits in a comfortable […]
Depression Management Without Medication
With winter right around the corner, now is a good time to start some new behaviors to help ward off depression. Depression is often misunderstood as simply being extremely sad, but the fact is depression is a condition with serious emotional effects. According to the […]
Drinking Alcohol During Pregnancy
Is sharing a few drinks while pregnant with family and friends on a special occasion okay? ” There is no known safe amount of alcohol or safe time to drink while pregnant.” – Centers For Disease Control and Prevention. Dr Tara Allmen, ObGyn, suggests avoiding […]
Opioid And Prescription Medication Addiction In The Elderly
Despite common belief, addiction is a nondiscriminatory disease that can affect anyone, regardless of age, color, race, ethnicity, financial status, or gender. Addiction can take place in a wide range of forms, including prescription medication addiction. Of the large majority of the United States population […]
How Long Does It Take to Overcome Addiction?
So, how long does it really take to overcome addiction? Like most illnesses, addiction recovery timelines are directly dependent on the individual at hand. Many considering seeking treatment are more concerned with how long they will have to commit to such treatment programs, as opposed […]
September is National Recovery Month!
September is National Recovery Month! National Recovery Month strives to educate those living with mental and/or substance abuse disorders of available treatment solutions that can allow them to live a healthy and gratifying life. In its 25th year of recognition, National Recovery Month not only […]
New School Year, New Drinking Habits
The start of a new school year can initiate a variety of things – new friends, new living facilities, new college or university, new experiences, and of course, new habits. During these developmental years of a young adult’s life, they will begin to determine what […]
Exposing the Stigma of Bipolar Disorder
As the term “bipolar” continues to be thrown around on a daily basis, referring to someone who is experiencing a minor mood swing. It becomes increasingly more relevant that we set boundaries for the term. Bipolar disorder is a manic-depressive illness that affects the brain, […]
Common Myths About Depression Dispelled
As the recent suicide of Robin Williams has brought the topic of depression to the forefront, it is important that we dispel some very common myths about the disease – Yes, disease. Many individuals fail to recognize depression as a disease; rather, they assume that […]