There’s a laundry list of celebrities, like Tiger Woods, Michael Douglas and Kanye West to name a few, that have claimed an addiction to sex in the past several years. This put sex addiction, which is defined as sexual thoughts, urges, or behaviors that appear […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Why is Teenage Drug Use Such a Big Deal?
Teens in the 60s did a lot of drugs and they turned out okay, right? Well…maybe some of them would have turned out better without the drugs. Saying that the human brain is a complex system is an understatement. Four weeks after conception, the brain […]
The Straight Dope: Cannabis Use Disorder, Intoxication And Withdrawal
With over 30 states legalizing the medicinal use of marijuana, and Colorado and Washington’s landmark passages of recreational usage, pot is all over the news. More than 80 million Americans over the age of 12 have tried marijuana at least once making it the most […]
Too Wired? 10 Facts About Energy Drinks and Caffeine Addiction
The marketing of caffeinated beverages has come a long way since creating jingles like “the best part of wakin’ up is Folgers in your cup,” or “Maxwell House is good to the last drop.” Now there’s Red Bull, Rockstar, Monster Energy, and even 5 Hour […]
Baby Boomers and Senior Substance Abuse Addiction
Anyone born between 1946 and 1964 in the United States is part of the Baby Boomer generation. In fact, “Boomers” are the largest segment of the population, with more than 75 million of them. As of January 2011, approximately 10,000 people started turning 65 every […]
Will Electronic Prescriptions of Controlled Substances Deter Fraud?
The family medicine cabinet is the most dangerous place to get drugs in America. Fatal overdoses from prescription drugs is far more common than deaths related to illegal drugs, with opioid painkillers causing more than 35 percent of the fatalities. An estimated 15 million people […]
4 Ways to Ditch Stress For Good with Dialectical Behavior Therapy
Who hasn’t remembered a difficult situation they faced in life and realized after the fact that their response to it only made matters worse? Or the opposite scenario is gazing into the unknown future and feeling anxiety and fear over a situation that hasn’t even […]
10 Facts About Neurofeedback Therapy and Training Your Brain
Wouldn’t it be cool if we could monitor our body’s chemistry on a particularly good day and then use that data to deal with a particularly bad day in a more positive manner? We can do precisely that using Neurofeedback Therapy. Neurofeedback goes by a […]
I’m Shmacked – The College Binge Drinking Movement
If you haven’t heard of the binge drinking movement, “I’m Shmacked,” you probably haven’t been near a university in a long time. The popular video franchise travels to college campuses all over the United States, films drinking parties, and then posts the edited content online. […]
Getting Motivated With Motivational Enhancement Therapy
How often have we made a new year’s resolution to disappoint ourselves? Go ahead, raise your hands high. Even when we set goals to make our lives better, like eating healthier or getting more exercise, we often give up after a few weeks because it’s […]