Noticed in 1948 by coincidence by scholars at a drug firm in Denmark, Antabuse was invented to counteract parasitic contamination, but the personnel who were examining it also discovered that it had dangerous effects when they drank alcohol. When an individual takes Antabuse regularly and […]
Author: Inspire Malibu
Recognizing Drug Paraphernalia
Many parents, teachers, and family members are often not aware of a loved one’s drug use or addiction even when the evidence of Paraphernalia is sitting right in front of them. Based on the type of drug used, the drug’s method, and access to money, […]
The Cost of Addiction
The Infographic below, “Annual Cost of Addictions“, highlights not only drug addiction but gives us some statistics on other dangerous addictions such as alcohol, tobacco, and fast food. Heroin is one of the most expensive addictions costing on average $10,030 a year. These costs are […]
Is Alcohol Detox Necessary? Take The Free Alcohol Test
Alcoholism is a common problem in the United States, with roughly 15 million Americans reporting having alcohol dependence or abuse disorder. Research reveals that alcohol adversely affects the body and disrupts many of the organ systems. Many people think alcohol only has an adverse impact […]
Xanax Addiction
Xanax is the brand name for alprazolam and is part of the benzodiazepine (benzo) drug class. Becoming addicted to Xanax is quite easy so much so that those taking it for non-medical purposes can become addicted to it after 2 weeks. Xanax is usually taken […]
5 Signs of Alcohol Abuse
Everybody likes to have a drink or two while at a party or after a long, tiring day. But the need for a reality check arises when this habit changes from a drink or two and becomes something that you are physically and psychologically dependent […]
Inspire Malibu’s Dr. Beau Christianson Handpicked by KTLA as Leading Expert on Suicide and Related Behavior
KTLA-TV, Los Angeles’ Leading News Station, Features Psychiatrist and Behavioral Expert Dr. Beau Christianson on a Live News Segment MALIBU, CA – (Marketwired – May 15, 2013) – Dr. A. Mohammad, Founder of Inspire Malibu, recognized by many as the top drug rehab and addiction […]
5 Novels that Deal with Drug Abuse and Addiction
Over the years, a number of movies have depicted drug use and its destructive consequences quite vividly. Apart from films, a number of classic books have also talked about addiction and what it can lead to. Here’s a look at five contemporary novels that focus […]
TMS Therapy Study Confirms Long Term Effectiveness
Dr. A. Mohammad have been at the forefront of TMS Therapy (TransCranial Magnetic Stimulation) since the FDA approved the system to treat patients with Major Depressive Disorder. The treatment is performed through TMS, which is a pulse magnetic field produced using precision pulse Technology that […]
Rise In Number of Illicit Drug Users Raises Global Concern
Drug abuse and addiction have been major concerns for most countries of the world for years now. With the number of illicit drug users rising in different parts of the world, including the USA, the issue has taken prominence with health departments and the people […]