Category: News

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Gaming Addiction: World Health Organization Recognizes “Gaming Disorder” as a New Condition

A certain segment of the American population, though fewer as the years go by, will remember the Atari 2600, the first home videogame console on the market, released around 1980. Obviously, this was pre-internet when it wasn’t uncommon to see at least a few neighborhood […]

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Hemp Might be Removed from Controlled Substance List: Federal Lawmaker Lobbying for Legalized Hemp Farming in the U.S.

There’s a fine line or, if you prefer, rope between hemp and marijuana, though the two plants, have long been lumped together. Ever since the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, it’s been illegal for U.S. farmers to grow the once thriving cash crop. That might be […]

CONTINUE READING Hemp Might be Removed from Controlled Substance List: Federal Lawmaker Lobbying for Legalized Hemp Farming in the U.S. 2 min read
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Declaring the Opioid Crisis a Public Health Emergency Falls Short of What’s Needed

In late October, President Trump spoke about how his brother, Fred Trump Jr., battled alcoholism and died an early death, at 43 years old. In the same speech, the president declared the crisis of opioid overdose deaths and addiction a federal public-health emergency. What Happens […]

CONTINUE READING Declaring the Opioid Crisis a Public Health Emergency Falls Short of What’s Needed 2 min read
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