Inspire Malibu Group Therapy
Psychoeducational Groups for Substance Abuse Treatment
A psychoeducational group is a type of therapy that educates clients about their disorders. It also provides coping strategies for related challenges.
Many groups consist of members with the same diagnosis. Others include individuals with different diagnoses. These groups focus on life skills like community living or following rules.
Trained professionals lead these groups and actively facilitate discussions. Psychoeducational groups help with mental health issues. They are also effective in drug and alcohol treatment.
Many patients in substance abuse recovery are struggling with denial of their issues. Moderated group therapy provides a structured space to discuss shared challenges. A sense of trust helps members open up and grow.
One of the goals of psychoeducation groups is to provide support and direction for understanding the problem issues and how to minimize their impact now and in the future.
What type of issues can be discussed in psychoeducation group therapy?
Common issues for discussion in group therapy for substance abuse can include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Trust Issues
- Common Triggers
- Medications for support
- Types of Addictions
- Stress
- Relationships
While this list only offers suggestions for discussion, it is up to the group members and group leader to identify the topics that will be best suited for each individual group.
Participation, trust, and confidentiality are important aspects of successful group activity. Keeping open communication is vital to the health of the group, and sharing thoughts and insights with the group helps elevate the growth of every individual in the group.
Topics discussed within the group environment can later be discussed in more detail during individual one-on-one therapy for every individual in the group. Research has shown that group therapy combined with individual therapy has greater success and outcomes than just one or the other alone.
The SAMHSA (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) has a great book on their website about the topic called Substance Abuse Treatment: Group Therapy.
At Inspire Malibu, psychoeducational groups are conducted by trained mental health professionals. They have a firm commitment to each client’s individual progress and healing.
For more information, call us at 1-800-444-183